Thursday, May 26, 2005


Celebrating Humanity Weekly

This day, the 26th of May 2005, marks the beginning of the Celebrating Humanity Weekly.
Envisioned by Arthie Moore, it focuses on the Celebration of our journeys through our world. It focuses on linking good people and purely on good news!
Your comments and articles
We welcome your comments and articles. Yet we ask you to think carefully and ask yourself three questions, before you post them.
  1. What good does your article or comment bring?
  2. Have you improved upon the ideas in previous posts?
  3. What positive legacy will your contribution leave?

If you can see nothing positive, don't post anything until you have taken time to think.

Then ask yourself the questions again. If there is still nothing positive to add, then wait a while longer. It will come to you!


We will gladly link positive sites, organisations and people, who make a difference, to Celebrating Humanity Weekly.

Please send your ">Link Request via e-mail. We will carefully vet it and if we are satisfied we will place your link on the site. Such links are at the sole discretion of the Editor whose decision is final. Any person/ organisation that is no longer seen to be making a positive difference, will be removed from the links without notification.

A story to start... from

A 17-year-old work experience student has saved Central Trains £750,000 a year by working out how to run the trains on time. Ade Sodeinde, who arrived in Britain from Nigeria last year, was working for the company on a year’s placement.

She decided to spend her time working out a problem surrounding train punctuality at the company’s Tyseley depot.Every time a train is late because of human error, Central Trains have to pay £4500 in fines to the Department of Transport.

Ade looked into the issue and found that a problem with the tracks inside the depot meant that trains had to run slowly, so they arrived at platforms late and were then further delayed by safety checks and carriage cleaning. Once Ade had identified the problem, and found some solutions to it, punctuality rose sharply.

Central Trains have awarded Ade its top employee honour, a gold award, for her efforts.

Enjoy our weekly - as we Celebrate Humanity into the future!

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